The holiday season is amongst us and with that comes DIYs, gifts, and holiday cheer!
During this time of the year, I like to spend hours on Pinterest looking for inspiration, gift ideas, holiday decor, and free holiday-themed printables.

One of my favorite things to search for are printable holiday gift tags. I love the variety, the creativeness, and how they add just a touch of personalization to each and every gift.
So this year, I thought I would make my own little holiday printables, inspired by my Hmong culture.
The flowers are from traditional Hmong/Thai fabrics that are normally used in making traditional Hmong clothes.

Grab the printable below to personalize your gifts.
Simply print and cut out the tags. Color them if you wish, print them onto decorative paper, add your own designs... The possibilities are endless.
Creativity is endless so make this Christmas magical!

Download the PNG picture above for your cutting machines and or the PDF below.
Thank you for stopping by!
As always, the artwork, designs, items, and intellectual properties found on NtsuabArt.com are the sole property of Ntsuabart and are only available for personal use.